Saturday, January 30, 2010

Sitting Under a Quilt...

Greetings All! As Paul and I continue down the path of life, we've decided a blog is in order. Hopefully this will help us not only communicate with the people we love more efficiently but will be a space where we can share our ideas with family, friends, etc. Of course, there will be information about our wedding, but also pictures and general jibberish.

Selamat Sore! Namaste! Assalamwailakum! Hello! This is is all I have so far...just a bunch of random 'hello's' and, um, love for everyone!!!!! Here is a picture from me...

...before the trim. ayuk yuk yuk. Well people, this should be fun. Miranda is alright, and so are you. But not as much as Miranda, almost, but not as much.With love ~ P